These fabrics are all made from 55% hemp and 45% organic cotton. They are produced in the North East of China in a factory that is affiliated with the Fair Wear Foundation. The origin of the hemp is always Chinese, the organic cotton was grown in India.
The hemp/organic cotton sweat fabrics from ECOLOGICAL TEXTILES are distinguished by the softness of the organic cotton, the strength and 'body' of the hemp fibres, their great water absorbing capacity and their wearing comfort. Our blend is 55/45% hemp/organic cotton, a mixture in which the properties of both the organic cotton and the hemp come into their own.
Sweat and terry fabrics are used for loungewear, sweaters, hoodies. Their softness, high wearing comfort and the antibacterial properties of hemp also make these fabrics suitable as a material for diapers and incontinence articles.
The hemp in these fabrics has always been grown in China, especially the north-east. The organic cotton comes from India, Turkey of Kyrgyzstan. The processing of the cotton into yarns and fabrics takes place in China.
Since a couple of years, production companies are no longer able to be member of the Fair Wear organisation, this is now only possible for apparel brands. The factory where these fabrics are made was a member of the Fair Wear organisation before this change and produces fabrics for brands that are member of Fair Wear.
These hemp/organic cotton sweat are
Samples of each fabric can be ordered on the product pages. There is also a sample set with an example of each quality of these sweat fabrics. This set can be viewed and ordered by clicking the button.