Fine offwhite hemp canvas

Ecological Textiles
ET_H021 offwhite
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Offwhite canvas of 100% hemp

Sturdy and fine canvas in an offwhite colour, made of 100% hemp and woven in a plain weave. Canvas is a bit thicker and heavier than average fabrics and has specific properties such as a high resistance to sunlight. In addition, it is stronger and stays in shape for a long time. With a weight of 390 gr/m2, this hemp fabric is ideally suited for making jackets, but also for bags or curtains.
The hemp comes from northern China and is woven in a factory that is affiliated with the Fair Wear Foundation.

Order samples

A sample of this fabric (the quality, not necessarily the colour) is included in our sample set of hemp canvas. This offwhite colour is also included in the set with woven pfp (prepared for printing) fabrics.

Fabric specifications

PRODUCT NAME: ET_H021 offwhite
COMPOSITION: 100% hemp
WIDTH: 140 cm.
WEIGHT IN GR/m2: 390
Care instructions

Ecological Textiles

Colours of this fabric







Clothing comfort

Hemp is one of the strongest natural fibers. It feels pleasant, can be worn directly on the skin, has good anti-bacterial and UV-resistant properties and is 100% biodegradable. Because it is a fiber that contains little air and has relatively low insulating properties, hemp feels fresh and cool. Hemp has a high moisture-absorbing capacity and it also easily releases the moisture.

Order samples

A sample of this fabric (the quality, not necessarily the colour) is included in our sample set of hemp canvas.

Composition: 100% hemp
Weight: 390 gr/m2
Colour: offwhite